Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I had a great birthday weekend!!!!! I took Friday of for a sanity day and Morgan went to daycare, I went back to sleep after Matt and Morgan left and I slept until 11, I woke up in a panic because i have not done that in a LONG time thankfully i had nothing planned for the day so there was no reason to panic. I spent the after noon relaxing and some time in my new hammock...it is lovely and our backyard is truly a gift from God, it is so peaceful...except when Mable runs away. after relaxing in the backyard the dogs and I went to the ponds (dumb grounds, nature park, whatever you call them south of town!). I even hit up the Hy-Vee 2 day sale before the after work rush..oddly I was looking forward to going there...although I am starting to realize that i think Matt should do the grocery shopping because i spend way to money when i go, even if i have a list.  
Matt picked out a fabulous fettuccine Alfredo recipe that he made for supper and of course had some cheese cake for desert! The rest of the weekend was relaxing and to top it off Mogan slept until 8 on Saturday and was super happy all weekend even with a stuffy nose! We had her 6 month check up and she is in the 95% for weight and as healthy as can be! 

Climbing around on daddy
 enjoying my birthday present
cheesey face
 this one looks a lot like one of my baby pictures!!!
 i love this girl!
 way to cute!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


I don't have much to say, i am winding down from a busy week at work and a lot going on after work. I am ready for my day off to enjoy doing what ever I want!!!!

Aussie doesn't like to miss out on the snuggle time
 the nasty carpet in the kitchen is GONE! (i need to take a new picture)
 She loves to sleep on her tummy and get her head stuck under the crib toy
 So stinkin cute!
 Let me share my birthday cake with you - Happy 1st birthday cousin McKayla!
 Amazing sun set
 Anthony and Morgan
 Riley and Morgan
 Sleeps just like her dad! We got a smaller toy so she would quite hitting her head!!
 I want to eat my foot!

Monday, August 1, 2011

24 hours

Here I sit with a swiss cake roll in my hand...wondering how we all have 24 hours in a day but it seems like there are some people who have 48 hours in one day and they can do twice as much as the average person and still hold it all together. Yes i know not to long ago I wrote about how a sabbath is so important, it is so easy to forget and keep in practice what I learned recently...and i must not have taken a rest day this week. Last week i did pretty good at keeping up on cleaning but did no reading this week, i haven't done anything and the way the week is looking, i don't think i will get much accomplished on the cleaning end or on the reading end.

With only a few hours to spend with Morgan I try to soak up each moment with Morgan after work, since we have from 5.30 - 8ish with her each night and then Saturday and on Sunday really only from noon - 8 ish when she goes to bed. I am not complaining about work, in fact i feel i can be a better Mom because I work, i can focus on her when we are home and she is awake, if i were home full-time i feel i would worry more about how clean the house is then what is going on with Morgan and getting her in a routine, plus i like to be busy...to an extent, that i would need something to do... ideally part time would be better but anyways for now full time it is and we are making it work well, it helps having an amazing husband. Also we have such amazing daycare it makes working so much easier that she is in the arms of someone who loves her just as much as we do.  

Anyways back to the real post (24 hours), i sat down to feed Morgan just after 7 and started flipping through the channels and the bachelorette was on, typically i can watch a show like that for 30 mins and not care much for it...well 2.5 hours later the show was STILL on!!!!! so this made me think...how do people do it? our society is so obsessed with reality shows that how do people spend time with their kids when they are watching shows? am i the only one that stresses that i want to clean my house more? we could really clean out the laundry room tonight? do i worry to much about the dishes that i can't sit down and watch a show? whats the difference? i have NO clue but i learned and promised myself in college when i started watching Lost that i wouldn't let myself get hooked on any other shows because at the time i didn't think i had time to watch shows and i have stuck pretty true to my word. i get to wrapped up in the show that i schedule my life around it, so i told my self...NO! plus i could really care less if we had a tv upstairs, i got so much more done when we didn't have one. 

So here is a day in the life of me (each week day typically goes like this besides the time watching the tv. i usually spend a little time on the computer.
3:00 Morgan woke up, get her back to sleep 
5:45 wake up and stick the nuk back in Morgan's mouth and pray she rolls back over
6:15 alarm goes off -
6:40 shower, breakfast(matt is wonderful and typically makes breakfast), pack lunch, get Morgan's bag ready
7:15 wake up Morgan - feed her and get her ready
7:55 we were out the door as a family this morning (big deal its been closer to 8:30 when we left last week)
8:15 - 5:15 work
5:30 work on supper play with morgan, play with the dogs
6:00 feed Morgan apple sauce
6:30 eat supper (home made pizza, Matt also did most of super tonight)
7 -9:30 the dreadful TV was turned on, vacuumed Morgan's room, gave her a bath, feed her, unloaded a few dishes
9:30 tried to install new car seat...didn't quite work
10:00 checked my 50 some emails and only did something with 1 or 2 (i get emails on my phone...why do i have so many when i log in...can't figure that out!!!) i hate having that many unread emails
10:30 realize i am stressed because i want to be someone who can do twice as much with 24 hours and we have a few big projects coming up at work plus we haven't even hit our fall rush and it feels like we are already smack dab in the middle of it.
10:35 Morgan is a pretty sound sleeper so i went and snuggled with her for a bit
10:45 i think i will feel better if i eat a swiss cake roll and blog
11:30 bed

I needed to run tonight and i didn't get that in...tomorrow will be close to the same deal...but i have a women's council meeting so i will come home eat quick just to head back to town for hour- hour and half, then Morgan will be in bed.

anyways i feel better now that i have blogged! I am sure i am not the only one that feels this way so hopefully someone else enjoyed reading this and it makes them feel better as well.