Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Gods Path

I am in awe of Gods orchestration of all the paths that have been crossed over the past few years since Matt has been on staff at GracePoint. The friends we have met, the relationships that have grown, friends we have seen move, paths that create a closer connection between people, the people we have been in bible studies with, the gals who were in my bible studies the paths that have all been led by God and the relationships that have grown all because a commitment to attend a bible study, attend church, friendships grew and no one new those paths crossed would be able to support and understand what you are going through now. A distant friendship can be brought closer in a short amount of time, but that path that God has laid out for why will not be known for a while. 

Today was a difficult day yet a celebration of Caleb Hockett's life, I don't know that i ever spoke directly with him, I got to know Mariah through a few bible studies and over the past few months Caleb has had more effect on my life then I could ever imagine.
I didn't know him. I only know his mom.
 The church was full today and that is only a SMALL SMALL portion of the people he had touched. Its hard to watch a family (Dad, mom and 6 brothers and sisters) go through this, not knowing the words to say, not knowing how to help, it helps to know he is with Jesus but that doesn't make the pain go away. Never underestimate the power of your understanding of faith and don't be shy to share it, you never know the impact it may have. I had a friend tell me tonight "it seems like when you take a deep breath, and just free-fall backwards into God's arms He gives you more than you could have ever expected." Remember that game? friends saying trust me I promise i won't let you fall, the friendships created on my path would do that for us, the community surrounding us will catch us just as God will.

I am amazed at the community that has surrounded this family, the out pouring of love for them. Could you imagine going through this with out community? I am thankful for all the friends that have crossed my path that I consider part of my community, part of a community that can hold each other up in difficult times, where you can lean on each others faith when yours is running dry. 

14 My friends, we beg you to warn anyone who isn’t living right. Encourage anyone who feels left out, help all who are weak, and be patient with everyone. 1 Thessalonians 5:14 

One of his favorite things to do was go fishing.... he lived more for Christ in his 8 years then I have in my 31 years...I bet he will have a line of people waiting to go fishing with him up there!  
As Pastor Jessey said in his message today "I want to grow up to be like him...compassionate, loving, caring."
What if our world was full of people with a heart for God like Caleb? What would it look liked if we all loved a little more, took off our selfish hats and let some one else go instead of our selves? What if we put off the stresses of home just to go to lunch with a friend who asks? How about we build those relationships that come across our paths and love, give grace and help each other grow to be better people.

As a mom it crushes my heart to see another mom witness her son going to heaven to be with Jesus, it crushes my heart to think about the pain that one goes thought no matter the age of the child, the life long pain that is laid on a moms heart as their child is laid to rest. Moms that have lost a child no matter the age or through a miscarriage, my heart aches for you, i pray for you that you will one day see them again and get to see their beautiful face.

As a community lets keep Hockett family in prayers for the next few YEARS, its our human nature to surround families shortly after an event like this, but as a community lets wrap our arms around them for years. Lets wrap are arms around relationships with those closest to us, so we know their fears, hopes and dreams. God has only put us on this earth for a short time, now lets love like Christ loves us and learn from Caleb's example.