Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Friendships and faith

There is lots to share and little time to write it all out .....the chore list is long tonight....because i have some motivation. Laundry needs to be folded and put away, kitchen and living room picked up, 2 nights of bible study to do and blogging is the first thing i want to get done tonight since I have it done it is such a long time and i have some cute photos to share! For bible study i am going through James a Beth Moore study and all i can say is WOW! God is really teaching me and the class some amazing things, humbling things and really opening our hearts up to the hard things to hear but the things we most need to hear and adjust about ourselves. The other weekend I was able to attend the Her True Identity Conference here in Brookings and i was blown away by how God spoke to my heart through these women! Here is a small portion of my notes:

Why have meaningful friendships
1.      Help navigate through life
2.      Support you during wavering faith time
3.      Celebrate live victories and morn the losses
4.      To seek Gods will through study and prayer 

To be a good friend:
  •  Get thicker skin
    • Proverbs 17:9
    • Don’t take things so personally and chose to believe the best
  • Stop comparing and competing
    • Galatians 6:4 | Proverbs 18:24
    • Worry about yourself
  • Be transparent
    • John 15:15
    • Proverbs 16:28
    • Would you share if they were right there – keep the filter ON!
  • Invest your time in friendships
In order to be a good friend the relationship needs to be with God first and foremost!!

 That was just from the Friday night session! Whoa! what good stuff!  I was thankful that my parents were able to take Morgan for the weekend and give Matt a chance to relax and do what he wished while i was at the conference.  One thing Beth Moore has asked is
"When was the last time scripture changed you?"
 You can read the bible all you want and attend church, and bible studies but if it is not changing you for the better, helping you learn how to be a better person and heal the pains from the past you need to make sure you are doing it for the right reasons, make sure you are acting out your faith and not just soaking it in for your self, God wants us to pour out his love!!!

Here are some pictures of the last couple months!
 I need some sun!
 Morning cartoons with the Ask's!
 watching the 5k
 Saturday Morning Cartoons!
 Ready for church!
 look at those curls! 
 Shes a climber!
 heading out for a ride with Daddy!
 trouble! - can't leave her alone for very long!
 Ready to go out to Oakwood
 Foggy over the lake
 break time

I hope everyone has a blessed Easter and you are able to take the time to remember that He is Risen!