Monday, February 6, 2012

My camera hasn't been fully emptied since before Christmas - not good!I typically 'empty' my camera and blog the same time...anyways i don't have anything on my heart to share this time, I feel like i have set my self up to have heart felt things to say when i blog, so i feel like just uploading pictures isn't quite enough some times but tonight that is what it is!

We have a few home projects going on that are on going and not sure when/if they will ever be done Matt has started reorganizing the kitchen to make it flow better, giving us a work space and utilizing the cupboards above for any prep stuff and seasonings that may be needed...i am super excited because our kitchen is small it needs a flow to it, also with Morgan's ever growing pile of stuff she almost needs her own kitchen! (ok not quite)

 Matt hanging the lights under the cupboard and also the handy knife magnet already on the wall
Morgan loves watching Daddy in the kitchen...just make sure she has some Cheerios (---which she loves to feed to Mable) and is not near anything on the counter that she could maybe grab

I have started tackling the office to get it organized and set up for some sort of flow as well...having a place to put things as they come in and also everything that collects on our kitchen table NEEDS A NEW HOME! 

Our office thanks to motivation from Pintrest is starting to move along - i need to figure out just how much space i really need and what i really want to use. We are also going to repaint the office so before i get my storage bins of some kind i need to do that and figure out some of the decor before just going out on a whim and spending my entire paycheck on office stuff...!

Here is the start of it! Thanks to Morgan's diaper boxes!
below the window i have 4 'boxes' that are for Inbox, Do Now, Do Later, Pending (thanks better homes and gardens!) these will also come together as the room does! A huge goal was getting the desk into a workable space!

Thanks to a friend and some online looking I made home made dish washer detergent. I made a small batch because we get crazy water spots if we don't use the 'correct' stuff but it seems to be working pretty swell!!!
1/2 cup boax
1/2 cup baking soda

1/4 kosher salt (for hard water)
 Morgan helping me make homemade stuff!
I also had the opportunity to make home made laundry soap!!! Yes opportunity I always thought there would be no way to have time to do this. Well i didn't really watch the super bowl last night. I got the recipe from one of my favorite blogs I follow 
I have only used it for 1 load so far but love it! 
1 Cup Borax
1 Cup Washing Soda
1 bar Fels-Naptha laundry soap
Proof that i actually made it!
 Look at those legs!!!

A while back i posted how excited i was about this has been through the test!!! I really like it and i have been able to find things much faster...but it must move to the next level...cords we use and cords we do not! That is a project for a rainy day! 

 We want to go play out side!! Please!!!