Thursday, November 24, 2011


There is so much to be Thankful for today!!! To even be thankful for anything I need to first let it be known how thankful I am for God's Grace and an unfailing savior. 
A plaque I found from Day Spring says "she knew that she was formed by God's hands, dreamed up in his heart and placed in this world for a purpose' 
It amazes me to look back through my life and know the path I was guided on, God was behind me then and will be for ever. He has blessed me with a husband that knows me better then I know myself, a little girl who is a joy to us and everyone who comes in contact with her, family full of love, 2 furry friends that are always excited to see me and snuggle, a home, and a comfy bed :)
Morgan has had 4 ear infections in 10 weeks...a little crazy so we took the plunge after chiropractic care wasn't quite enough and had tubes put in Wednesday. Being this was the first big thing that we have had to decide on for Morgan I think there was a lot more weight on our shoulders then we realized and we worried more then we should have. This is a pretty common and quick procedure, we spent longer calming her down afterward then she was in surgery. She was not a happy girl coming out of anesthesia but that is to be expected and she was hungry!! There are a few places in the bible that tells us not to worry. I am really struggling with not worrying and trusting in God that he has control. I pray each morning that God can be in control of my day and that i am ok with him being in control, that he can take my worry and let me enjoy the day i have in front of me. This has helped a lot i am in a better mood on the days that I heart-fully pray this, but i still struggle in many areas. Matthew 6:25 says “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?

Waiting to go in to get tubes 
Sick little girl
 she loves sucking on cold rags!
 Our little Marshmallow - (thanks Renkly's for the wonderful cloths!)

 Momma Mable making sure Morgan is ok after tubes - we feel bad we got her fixed and can't have pups because she for sure has momma tendencies

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Eucalyptus, Monvee and Grace

My favorite smell is Eucalyptus. After spending a semester in Australia I really started to like the peaceful smell of it! So when I get a chance to take a bath I have a few selections of Eucalyptus smelling bath soaks, i also have a spray (oil)i use often times when i am stuffy in the bathroom after a shower or in our bedroom at night or even in Morgan's room, it helps me breath better!!! Just the thought of it makes me relax!

I am leading a women's Monvee bible study on Wednesday nights, I told Matt when it started i would do the 7 week class and that is it. I am a slow learner and know that when i put limitations on God he doesn't listen well!!! We are going on our 8th week of the study and i think we have at least 2 or 3 weeks left. I have never been in a small group where you can feel that God is there, each and every lady that has showed up was placed in this study for a reason, to tell there stories to help the other ladies, see something in a different light, to learn from each other, we typically have 8-10 women there and each time is amazing. I told the ladies last week that I feel like I can't just end the study at the semester and that we need to keep meeting in January. I am thankful the study is on Wednesday's because it really recharges me to tackle the rest of the week.

One amazing story - we had a lady show up a few weeks ago for the first time, she had stopped into the church a few times but had not joined a group yet, the Wednesday she joined us she was riding her bike past and was ready to get home to watch a TV show she was super excited about. Something (GOD) made her turn her bike around and walk into church to find a small group. As she was walking up to church her landlord was walking out and they knew exactly what study to take her was so amazing to see the group respond in Grace to someone new in the class everyone welcomed her with open arms. The mission statement vision statement (whatever they are called) is:

Encounter grace: we want people far from God to know God through faith in Jesus.
Grow in grace:
we want people who know Jesus to grow close to Jesus.
Give grace: we want people who know Jesus to share Him with others and bring His teachings and ways to a world that is in desperate need of the love of Jesus

My group is a PERFECT example of this. Words can't even begin to express my thankfulness to God and my excitement.  I also feel that the story above is under told but i don't know what words to use to explain in! God is Amazing!

GRACE - there is so much behind this! Grace is about being forgiving, looking past what one has done, if you have a bad day, you don't need to take it out on the waitress that maybe is having a bad day as well. Try giving someone that extra smile, hold the door for someone with full arms, let someone into your lane when you are driving, try to be kind to people no matter what is going on in your day and see how that can turn our attitude around. EVERYONE deserves grace, no matter what you have done, haven't been to church in a while, God is graceful, go, if you go every once in a while, don't feel bad about it, you have to do what you can and God is graceful. Were you selfish when you should have really sat down to read with your kid, or call your friend to see how they were doing, its ok. God is graceful.

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. ~ 1 Peter 4:10 (ESV)
God has given you GRACE so you can give it to others...

 Aussie boy!
 to cute!
 happy Holloween - well kind of..she wasn't to thrilled about the outfit!
 Morgan and Mable playing!

nose crinkle!