Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Authentic Relationship

Over the last few months something that continues to creep up in conversations, actions of people, sermons, my inspiration calendar(S) is the NEED for real authentic relationships. Not just you are my friend on facebook, or we were friends in highschool, not the 'relationship' you can have with a book, or a favorite website or  technology. I am talking about the good ol' human relationship that God has blessed us with..from the beginning.  Where you can be TRULY your self with someone, not hiding behind who you want to be or who that person thinks you should be or how it was when you grew up but to show that you truly do struggle with some things in life and there are some things you excel at and to ask the question how did you deal with a situation in your marriage (because most likely someone else has dealt with something similar!).

The thing that breaks my heart is that so many people are blind to how important these relationships are, (i am no expert by any means but i am just starting to touch the tip of the ice berg) how we can go about our daily lives and think we have it figured out or that we have experienced most of what we will experience, and that no one else will be able to help. WRONG! there are so many people that are willing to help and willing to walk through things

"God teaches that absolutely everything in this life is about relationships, 
and our first relationship should be with him!"

What has the lack of good real authentic relationship caused in your life?
With God, for me not attending church really harden my hearts (not like it makes me hate life) just that i judge more, i find the negative faster, grace isn't as easy to give. When i lack that authentic relationship with God, i become crabby and i don't want to live life being crabby! Its way to short and i am overwhelmed at my blessings!

The fact that i haven't kept in contact with close friends from high school or college - eats me alive at times. If i would have understood a fraction of what i have learned so far on real authentic relationships i would have never let them grow distant.

The fact that of not having real authentic girlfriends for a few years how and hard it is to peal back my onion layers of things that i have always stuffed down inside and never talked about becuase i lacked real authentic relationships

I some times look to my dogs for that comfort, yes they help and they ALWAYS love me, but that doesn't help me grow in my faith, they help me throw pitty parties, they don't talk back to me and say how about looking at it from a different angle, maybe try this out. The truly only help my soul for a while.

What helps my soul is my conversations with those people that i have rare authentic relationships with where i can be raw and have a venting session and know that it was just a venting session and that the conversation will go no where and that even though i just vented it most likley isn't how i really feel, its just that i needed to get off my chest and no grudges will be held against me. That if a swear word comes out its ok, because i am a beautiful work in progress. I am so thankful for these relationships it brings me to tears at times because I don't know how I would do life with out them. ~God, my husband and girlfriends~

i am challenging my self along with anyone who reads this to seek out their real authentic relationship, its not like you can just pick up a new relationship, it takes trust, being vulnerable, and time to build these but the are so rewarding.

"Our God wants to heal the emotional area of our lives but many of us are afraid to open the lid on all the emotions we have carefully stuffed down for so many years"

With one of my best friends that has truly been a blessing-- we can both tell someone else (not that we would, but its the point of an authentic relationship) more about our hearts and our feelings then what they did last night or that they went to Sioux Falls last weekend etc (yea its great to know that stuff) but our relationship isn't based on the happenings of today its based on our hearts, our faith, how to be a better wife, mom, a child of God, all those things come first and if we get a chance at the end to talk about whats going on the weekend great but if not oh well. It hasn't been an easy road to get there but it sure has been a blessing to be able to walk through life and not just the happenings of life.

A while back i went through a phase where i wouldn't ask someone passing by "how is it going" because you never get a real answer! (well, one time i did-and it was a great convo with a friend) but as a society today we are truly scared to ask people how there heart is, what is really going on in your heart and to have the time to do that in this fast pace world is a scary thing, but the few times that i have slowed down and asked how is your heart have been so beneficial. There are times in conversations that i take the whole conversation time and and there are others that a friend will but when the other person is talking not only am i listening i am learning and growing by just listening to a friend share there heart and often times going i have had those feelings before or i can totally understand what they are talking about!

I fell i need to write a disclaimer...This topic has been laid on my heart many times and God has given me the gift to be vulnerable and to be able to open up, and because i have been willing to be vulnerable i have been able to grow and change into a better woman of God, a better wife, mom and friend. I don't have it figured out just some things that are on my mind, i feel like there is more brewing but the post is long enough already :)

One of the best gifts God has given us is Grace, grace to grow, grace to change for the better, not because we were bad or wrong but because we have learned new things, new things by being open to the change and open to learning.

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did. 
But people will never forget how you made them feel.

Guess i get really long blogs when i don't blog often :) Pictures to come at another time in the near future.