Sunday, January 15, 2012


This past week has been interesting for me I challenged a friend to just be a child of God and make that the priority for the week and everything will fall into place after that , I had done a pretty good job of it the week before but for some reason this week I threw my own advice right out the widow after talking with her. Each day I try to take some time and pray to make sure my day is in God's hands and that i have the strength to be the best person i can be with what i am given, that was thrown out the window as well. I have also been trying to read the bible each night...nope that didn't happen...I kept getting more frustrated through out the week but I didn't go back to the basics, back to what i know i need to do in order for me to be a better me. I did not make being a child of God a priority and there for I had a lose tongue, i was thin on my patience with Morgan and Matt and didn't reflect Christ the way I should.

Today during service the alters were open to come before God, pray, take care of your unfinished business, I went up there not knowing what my business was but knew I needed to go. The one thing that has been on my mind a lot lately is my Wednesday bible study, that even though the material is laid out to the T i am nervous for leading, and the only thing that came to mind that I could ask God to do was to help me set myself aside, work through me God, set myself aside, put my agenda down and let God be in control, set myself side, JUST set myself aside and let God control my week, let God be in control of my class, let the work be through him, yes I am leading but only because of him, and only because of him did our 6 week Monvee material take 13 weeks (could have been 14 or 15th but the semester was up!). God is working on me and is challenging me in ways i didn't know i could be challenged. Going into this week i know it is God's agenda, God's control and i have been set aside so he can do a work in me, so he can shine through me like the sun shines on the moon and i can be Graceful to those in my path and to make my priority being a child of God.

Another thing that has been on my heart is the fact that i am in the right place. I am suppose to be an employee at Daktronics and in my current role. (most days :) ) About a week ago one of 'my' students left for student teaching, didn't think it would effect me to much but the day she left I was given a Tiger, bag of mini snickers, and the sweetest not ever, I just skimmed the note and got this jist of it, (if i would have read it fully i would have cried!!!!)  When I brought it home and had Matt read it, his eyes got watery and said you don't just get a note like this unless you are impacting peoples lives, since that note i have been reminded through various conversations with co-workers that i am in the right place, to share God's grace....a day or two before she left i had a very defeating day at work and my 2 calendars with positive thinking/words to live by were not cutting it any more (and normally they do) i prayed - and was thinking God this is a silly prayer but i need something that can bright my day up when I am feeling defeated and when i feel like the day is against me. God answers prayers and I got a Tiger to bright my days when i need them!

Morgan has been a busy little girl!! Cursing along furniture, growing an attitude, laughing when we tell her no, growing a personality, trying to play with the dogs, imitating a lot of our sounds, eating about as much as Matt and myself for dinner, telling us when shes ready for bed by crawling into her room, letting us know she was a bottle by crawling into the kitchen and pointing at the microwave, getting into cabinets, giggling, tickling mom, sleeping in weird positions, here is a snap shot of the last few weeks

 Matt and I went to the cities for the Bronoco's game and some relaxing

First Christmas!!!
 JUICE - its what was for dinner! Matt did a 10 day juice fast
 Not sure i want to do that again, but i finished it!
 action shot! but she LOVES watching Matt juice or for that matter do anything in the kitchen