Saturday, July 9, 2011

getting into the swing of things again

We spent the last week in Northern Minnesota at a Staff Retreat for the church..i will hopefully post more on that later. After a week of relaxing and Morgan staying with Grandma and Grandpa ..i don't want to do anything. During the week and into the weekends i get into such a routine that i will put off things that will take me out of my routine because i know how hard it is for me to get back into the routine..i thought taking a nap this morning would help my motivation...nope didn't work, maybe brushing my teeth putting my contacts in and brushing my hair could help kick me in the but again...NOPE....spark (a vitamin drink) and some lunch..nope that didn't work either!! the only productive thing i have done is unpack Morgan's stuff....but the list of other things piles up in my head and i am already stressing my self out for this week because i am putting off so much that it will have to get done through out the week.

Maybe the reason I am lazy is because its super hot and humid and we have just been at lake with PERFECT weather, and i want to go back!! Since nothing seems to work i figured i would blog about it and maybe i could type out some reasoning to start moving. I need to get back to running for the 5K in September...but i think that might wait for another day as well.

Before we left Matt's sister was down for a few days - Nova was sad because her flip flop broke!
 We took the dogs out to the Nature Park to get some energy out of them and enjoy the beautiful afternoon
 Aussie found a gofer hole and they wouldn't stop digging! as you can tell my Mable's face she had stuck her face in the hole a few times...Aussie's beagle side definitely came out once he was on the trail of the gofer!
Now that Morgan is down for a nap and I have wrote out how i feel about getting back into the swing of things i think its time to get some stuff done! It is great to see that if i just express how i feel, i feel better and can move on to the next thing or get over my laziness! :)

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